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Italy, Ukraine, Slovakia are working on a corridor for grain

Italy, Ukraine, Slovakia are working on a corridor for grain

'Trieste could be the port of departure': Honorary consul

TRIESTE, 22 settembre 2023, 19:42

Redazione ANSA



A trilateral discussion table between Ukraine, Italy, and Slovakia met today at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Rome to tackle the humanitarian crisis after the non-renewal of the wheat export agreement.
    Among the participants - according to a statement issued by the Consulate of the Slovak Republic in Trieste - were Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso, Slovak Minister of Transport Pavol Lančarič, Ukrainian Ambassador to Italy Yaroslav Melnik and Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to Italy Karla Wusterová.
    The statement underlines that the objective of the meeting "is to define a strategy on how to get agri-food products from Ukraine to the most suffering parts of the world through a solidarity corridor that crosses Europe starting from the crucial Slovak railway junction of Kosice, where Ukrainian-gauge infrastructure connects to the European one, allowing the passage of goods. Strategic in this framework is Trieste's role as a port of departure for food goods coming by train from Ukraine and destined for the countries most in need." "Today, the political will of the parties to bring this corridor to life quickly emerged clearly," said Luca Farina, honorary consul of the Slovak Republic in Trieste for Friuli Venezia Giulia, "and how Trieste can be the perfect terminal for sea transport. Everyone agreed that the port of Trieste has the technical-logistical features and expertise to handle this corridor's crucial final phase. More meetings will follow shortly, which we will host in Trieste, to define the project's technical details, as the corridor must be operational as soon as possible."


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