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Stages in the Parks between Gorizia and Nova Gorica

Stages in the Parks between Gorizia and Nova Gorica

Awakening concert scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 10

GORIZIA, 08 agosto 2024, 11:29

Redazione ANSA



Cross-border musical event for the multidisciplinary review "Stages in the Parks," conceived by the Forest Service and Forestry Corps of the Fvg Region, with the artistic direction of the Luigi Bon Foundation. Saturday, Aug.
    10, at the crack of dawn, featuring Musica senza confini/ Glasba brez meja: the unprecedented proposal finds its centerpiece in a nature experience straddling Gorizia's Piuma Park and Nova Gorica's Panovec Forest, to enhance collaboration between Italy and Slovenia at special border locations. It begins in Feather Park with the first part of a concert by the cross-border trio Etnoploč (literally "ethnic puddle"), consisting of Aleksander Ipavec on accordion, Piero Purini on soprano and tenor saxophone, and Matej Špacapan on trumpet. At 11 a.m., the second part of the concert in Bosco Panovec, where, to the quieter and softer atmospheres of the first stage, a musical surprise for the audience of particular liveliness and festive spirit will find its place. There will also be the possibility of a bike tour, before or after the event, organized by Fiab, Italian Federation for Environment and Bicycle.


Not to be missed


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