The 2025 European Capital of
Culture Nova Gorica-Gorizia was presented at the Olympics. The
event was promoted by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, with
the City of Nova Gorica and the Slovenian public agency GO!2025,
with the participation of Gect Go.
The Slovenian Minister of Culture Asta Vrečko participated in
a panel on culture, tourism and sport. The event also featured
performances with videos, music and dance.
"It is precisely today that the agreement with the
municipality of Saint-Denis, home of the Paris Olympic village,
is being signed: an important step to foster tourist exchange in
view of the European Capital of Culture," Nova Gorica's mayor,
Samo Turel, said.
It is an agreement that recalls the historical proximity
between the two Municipalities: the Castagnevizza Monastery
(Kostanjevica, Nova Gorica) in fact hosts the tomb of Charles X
of Bourbon, the last king of France, while the tombs of his
ancestors are located in Saint-Denis.