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Italian-Albanian politics, collaboration between the 2 homelands

Italian-Albanian politics, collaboration between the 2 homelands

In Tirana the Arbëreshë-III summit of the Albanian diaspora

ANCONA, 29 novembre 2023, 10:16

Redazione ANSA



There is a "sincere, solid and active" collaboration between Italy and Albania, "my two homelands." So says Albanian-born Marche regional councilor Lindita Elezi (League), upon returning from a mission to Tirana to attend the Arbëreshë-III summit of the Albanian diaspora. A meeting at which they worked, she says, "on a model of loyal sharing of goals and methods for social and cultural growth in the face of the increasingly global challenges we face." Elezi, among Albanian emigrants around the world, met with President of the Republic of Albania Bajram Begaj, Prime Minister Edi Rama, and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani.Touching was the meeting with Interior Minister Taulant Balla with whom the issue of the murder in Sirolo of young Albanian laborer Kladji Bitri, who was killed with a spear gun for defending an Italian father of the family during an argument over trivial road reasons.
    "The Arbëreshë community in Italy has been present for more than 5 centuries: Albanian immigrant communities have grown in virtuous symbiosis with local ones especially in Calabria, Sicily, Apulia, Campania, Molise, and Abruzzo," explains the councilwoman who has lived in the Marche region for 30 years and, thanks to her political and social commitment, is a point of reference for her community of origin and her adopted community. "An example of integration has helped develop in Albania the vision of an integration based on shared rules and civic values. It is no coincidence that Italy has found on the other side of the Adriatic Sea the necessary shore not to remain alone in facing a global problem such as the current massive migration flows.A natural shore also for the Marche and their projects in the field of the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion," Councilwoman Elezi concluded.


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