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I wanted to sing, play in the national volley team - Meloni

I wanted to sing, play in the national volley team - Meloni

'I did not dream of becoming prime minister'

ROME, 28 February 2024, 15:19

ANSA English Desk




Premier Giorgia Meloni said on Tuesday her dreams as a girl were to be a singer and play for the national volleyball team, but not to become prime minister.
    "None of my dreams have come true," said Meloni at an event organised by the foreign press corps in Rome.
    "I wanted to be a singer, but I'm tone deaf; to play with the national volleyball team, but I'm a dwarf; to meet Michael Jackson, but he died too soon," she continued, adding that her dreams did not include "being prime minister".
    Meloni said one of her "historic collaborators" repeats that "my motto is 'we're all going to die'".
    "It's true, I'm not an optimistic person, I always see the glass half empty," she added.
    "However, since I know how to imagine the worst possible scenario, I'm also able to deal with all the others," continued the premier.
    In other points, Meloni warned of the risks for the press of artificial intelligence (AI).
    "You can talk all you want about freedom of the press, but the problem is that you risk wiping it out altogether," she told the foreign press corps.
    "Artificial intelligence is a great opportunity if it is governed, otherwise it can be a detonator. It risks having a devastating impact on the highly qualified labour market in sectors such as journalism," she added, recalling that the issue of AI will feature strongly on the agenda of the Italian G7 duty presidency this year.


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