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We've broken glass ceiling after 75 years says Todde

We've broken glass ceiling after 75 years says Todde

Proud to be first Sardinia woman governor says centre-left woman

ROME, 27 February 2024, 11:56

ANSA English Desk




The centre-left alliance in Sardinia has succeeded in breaking the glass ceiling after 75 years of the Italian republic and electing the island's first woman president, former 5-Star Movement (M5S) deputy chair Alessandra Todde said after her win Tuesday.
    "I thank everyone, You have waited for 16 hours for (the end to) the head to head which has been long and tiring," Todde told a press conference after her centre-right rival and Cagliari Mayor Paolo Truzzo conceded defeat with the vote standing at 45.3% to 45% with just over 20 poling stations still to report.
    "But like all long and tiring things, they have given an important result.
    "I'm proud to be the region's first woman governor.
    "After 75 years we have succeeded in breaking this glass ceiling. I also thank all the women in my team for the role they played and for the task they carried out".
    Todde, 55, is a Nuoro-born engineer who served as deputy industry minister under former premier Mario Draghi.


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