A mission was carried out by Councilor Stefano Glinianski, head of the Independent Evaluation Body (OIV), accompanied by the Director of the relevant AICS (Italian Development Cooperation Agency) Office, Michele Morana. The OIV is a body that deals with the strategic planning and monitoring of the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The purpose of the mission was to assess the outcomes of the Italian Cooperation's activities in Eritrea and the level of satisfaction of all stakeholders in the sector. To this end, the delegation, accompanied by the Italian Ambassador Alfonso Di Riso and by the Deputy Head of Mission Paolo Zampella, met the Minister of Agriculture Arefaine Berhe, the Minister of Health Amina Nurhussien and the Commissioner for Culture and Sport Zemede Tecle, authorities of the Eritrean government most involved in the projects financed by AICS.
During the mission, meetings were held with the CSOs operating in Eritrea and a trip was made to Massawa, to the Training Centre run by the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers and financed by AICS funds, and to the site of Adulis, where an Eritrean-Italian archaeological mission has been active for several years, engaged in excavation activities in this very week.