INAIL said in its annual report on
Tuesday that it received 414,853 reports of work-related
accidents between January and December 2024, down by 1.9% from
the 422,880 registered over the same period in 2023, based on
provisional data.
The national labour accidents and occupational illness agency
however said the number of fatal work-related accidents had
increased to 797 in 2024 compared to the 790 recorded in 2023.
The increase in work-related deaths was mainly recorded in the
industrial sector and in services , up to 669 from 686, while
those in agriculture dropped from 107 to 102.
Overall, the highest number of fatalities on the job were
registered in the construction sector with 156 cases, transport
and warehouse storage with 111 cases, manufacturing with 101
cases, trade with 58, rental and business support services with
38, INAIL said.