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Cabinet to examine Omnibus package

Cabinet to examine Omnibus package

On fiscal policies, Scampia aid, NRRP measures

ROME, 07 August 2024, 09:43

ANSA English Desk



Premier Giorgia Meloni's cabinet on Wednesday is set to examine the so-called Omnibus decree with measures for a variety of sectors, including the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) - its last major piece of business before the break for the summer holidays In particular, the cabinet will focus on new extensions in fiscal policies, NRRP measures, refinancing the Fund for national emergencies and aid for families living in the 'Sail' buildings in Naples' Scampia district, as well as a substitutive tax on revenues produced abroad for those moving their residence to Italy.
    Overall, the draft Omnibus decree includes 25 articles.
    The measure in particular includes a proposal to give a contribution of 1,100 euros to families displaced after a terrace collapsed in one of the infamous 'Sail' public-housing apartment buildings in Naples' Scampia neighbourhood.
    Under the proposal, the municipality of Naples will be able to provide a financial aid for the resettlement of families who own an apartment in the 'Sail' complex which was evacuated for security reasons after a terrace collapsed, killing three people and injuring several others.


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