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Woman stabbed to death near Bergamo

Woman stabbed to death near Bergamo

Carabinieri police investigating fatal attack

ROME, 30 July 2024, 15:40

ANSA English Desk



Carabinieri in the northern town of Zogno on Tuesday were investigating the death of a 30-year-old woman who was stabbed overnight while out running in Terno d'Isola, near Bergamo.
    Shortly before 1:00, the woman called the 112 emergency number.
    She was taken to hospital with severe chest and back wounds.
    She later died of her injuries at the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo.
    The victim, who was identified as Sharon Verzeni originally from Bottanuco, near Bergamo, used to go out running alone at night.
    After the attack, she called 112 and was able to say: "Help, I have been stabbed!", rescue service sources said. Verzeni lived in Terno d'Isola with her partner and worked part time as a beautician at a nail bar, according to her LinkedIn profile.
    Gender-based violence is a major issue in Italy following a long series of femicides, including the murder of 22-year-old university student Giulia Cecchettin by her boyfriend last year in a case that shocked the nation.


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