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Lapo and Ginevra Elkann also implicated in inheritance probe

Lapo and Ginevra Elkann also implicated in inheritance probe

Fraud against the state among alleged offences

ROME, 08 March 2024, 11:54

ANSA English Desk



Lapo and Ginevra Elkann have been placed under investigation in relation to a dispute over inheritance pertaining to the business family Agnelli, sources said on Thursday evening.
    In February the Turin public prosecutor's office opened a probe against an initial three suspects including their brother and Stellantis and Ferrari chairman John Elkann over the tax treatment of the annuity that the late Gianni Agnelli's daughter and Elkann's mother Margherita paid to her mother and Agnelli's wife Marella under agreements made in 2004.
    The years under investigation are reportedly 2018 and 2019.
    Fraud against the state in relation to inheritance tax is reportedly among the alleged crimes being probed.
    The other two suspects under investigation following the complaint filed by Margherita are the Agnelli family's Turin accountant Gianluca Ferrer and the Swiss notary and executor of Marella's will Urs von Grunigen.
    Last month lawyers representing John Elkann said there were no grounds to the Turin probe, describing it as "completely non-existent".
    They said that Margherita Agnelli "has been persecuting her parents and three of her children for more than 20 years in all judicial fora, causing a great deal of publicity in the press", adding that the petitions she has filed "have not been upheld in any jurisdiction, be it criminal or civil".
    Photo: Lapo Elkann


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