Future confessors will be taught to
have mercy on everybody at the first Pastoral course on
forgiveness scheduled to take place from February to April at
the Centre for Priestly Formation of the Pontifical University
of the Holy Cross in Rome.
The university said lessons will focus on how to be welcoming
and, among others, on the confession of people including
"divorcees, future priests, people with homosexual tendencies,
those with ethical problems at work and people with little
training", among others.
The course will involve training and case studies in which
priests will need to practice forgiveness, organizers said.
The university of the conservative Catholic organization Opus
Dei, which is also very active on the themes of communication
and artificial intelligence, was inspired by the Jubilee Holy
Year of Mercy promoted by Pope Francis in 2015-2016 in
organizing the special course.
It is coordinated by the university's Centre for Priestly