Fares Bouzidi, a 22-year-old Tunisian
man who was driving a scooter involved in a crash on the night
between November 23 and 24 in Milan during a Carabinieri police
chase in which his friend Ramy Elgaml was killed, will face an
'immediate trial', without preliminary hearings, a court in the
city decided on Monday.
Bouzidi is accused of resisting a public official.
There have been major protests over the death of Elgaml, a
19-year-old Italo-Egyptian who was riding on the back of the
scooter, including immediate protests in which cars were set
alight in the working class and crime-ridden Milanese district
he lived in, and demonstrations that turned violent in Rome and
other cities last month.
The officer behind the wheel of the car in the police chase is
being probed on involuntary vehicular homicide charges regarding
allegations the scooter was rammed.
Other Carabinieri officials involved in the chase are being
investigated over potentially false claims regarding the
accident and for allegedly erasing a witness's video.