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847,000 more jobs under Meloni govt says CGIA

847,000 more jobs under Meloni govt says CGIA

+937,000 permanent, -266,000 precarious, companies hire over 50s

ROME, 07 December 2024, 12:10

ANSA English Desk



In the first two years of the Meloni government, the CGIA Research Office reported Saturday, employment in Italy has grown overall by 847 thousand units (+3.6%).
    Of these new jobs, 672 thousand are employed workers and 175 thousand are self-employed.
    Focusing on employed workers, the stock of those who in the last two years have a permanent contract has increased by 937 thousand units, while workers with a fixed-term contract have decreased by 266 thousand.
    Therefore, the percentage incidence of subordinate workers who currently have a precarious employment contract has fallen to 14.4% (-2 points compared to October 2022).
    In the same period, the unemployed decreased to 1,473,000 (-496 thousand) and the inactive to 12,538,000 (-198 thousand).
    Of these 847 thousand new jobs created in these last two years, almost half, 420 thousand are women (equal to 49.6%) and the other 427 thousand are men (50.4%).
    Of the 496 thousand fewer unemployed registered in this period, however, 274 thousand are women (equal to 55.1%) and 223 thousand are men (44.9%).
    In absolute terms, in October 2024, employed women reached the threshold of 10,253,000 units, while unemployed women decreased to 693 thousand.
    Analyzing the employment trend of Italians by age group, the group that in absolute terms has given the most positive contribution in the last two years has been that of the over 50s.
    Of the 847 thousand new employees registered in the country, 710 thousand (equal to 83.8%) belong to the oldest segment of the working population.
    They are followed by the 25-34 age group which has grown by 184 thousand units and that of young people between 15-24 years of age which has increased by 18 thousand units.
    Only the age group between 35-49 years of age has suffered a negative contraction equal to 66 thousand workers.
    However, since this year, the CIG redundancy fund has been sharply increasing, especially in the North.
    Since the beginning of 2024, the monthly number of hours has been higher on average than that recorded in the previous year


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