Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni on
Monday said Italy is "in first place" in the European Union for
the "number of targets reached and the overall amount received".
"We were the first to request the payment of the fifth
installment" of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)
and "we are the first to have requested the sixth installment of
the Plan".
"Recent ISTAT data on the GDP, which estimated a growth
acquired in the first semester of 2024 worth 0.7%, and the
latest data in the Svimez report, which in 2023 highlighted the
decided acceleration of GDP in the South, with a 2.6% increase
of new jobs%, show the effective work carried out by the
government and administrations tasked with reaching the planned
objectives and the implementation of virtuous measures for
Italy's structural economic growth", Meloni said after the
payment of the fifth installment of the NRRP worth 11 billion