Only one in four Italian couples will
have children in 2040, social and economic think tank CENSIS
said in its 57th annual report on Italy Friday.
By 2040, it said, couples with children will decrease to
represent 25.8% of the total.
By that date, it added, single-person households will increase
to 9.7 million (37%).
Of these, those made up of the elderly will become almost 60%
(5.6 million).
It is estimated that in 2040, 10.3% of the elderly will still
have a disability.
The elderly today make up 24.1 per cent of the total population
and by 2050 they will be 4.6 million more: they will account for
34.5 per cent of the total population.
"The elderly of tomorrow will be increasingly childless and
increasingly lonely," said the report.